Saturday 2 September 2023

Bridport, Tasmania

 The other week we went to Bridport which is not that far from home here in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.  We bought some lunch after trying several places as we don't eat normally between the hours of 11.30am to 2pm, we often eat about 2pm or 3pm so it's hard to find places that will feed you.  We did find a place with left over take a way so took the food down by the sea and ate.
The map below has a dark spot next to Bridport to give some idea where we went.
The first photo is our course of an old getty and it's popular with photographers, also looks nice hanging on walls which I did.

We have been shuffling cars around so to speak this past week.  We bought a brand new car, we had to wait only 6 weeks for it to arrive off cargo vehicle carrier then to be detailed and so on, we took delivery on Tuesday afternoon.  Sold the other vehicle we used to tow the caravan with and then sold my Audi as well. It is and was time to downsize and I'm sure we'll manage with only one car, if we don't I'll buy another.


  1. What a pretty area. Good luck with your new car.

  2. Replies
    1. Many people in Australia don't own cars more so those in the cities. It's certainly handy to have a car if you live inland, especially way inland as there are no buses at all, probably only once a week or something like that.

  3. Las vacaciones son para disfrutarlas y ya veo que tu las disfrutas bastante.
    Son maravillosos los lugares que nos muestras siempre.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  4. Thank you for showcasing this beautiful area. Happy downsizing.

  5. Son paisajes preciosos Margaret. Un abrazo.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh it is lovely, more so when the tide is out a bit more and later in the evening to get a better sunset, hopefully.

  7. That's a nice little day trip and looking forward to the first trip taken in the new car.

    1. We have now been on two day trips, one down the east coast the other was yesterday to Meander Valley then up over to Miena and around the Great Lake and home buying fish and chips on the way home as it was 6.30pm.

  8. Margaret, congratulations on the new purchase. The smaller car will allow them to reach places that before, due to their size, they could not reach. I remember how complicated it was to navigate the ascents and the sharp curves aboard a motorhome.

    1. Agree with you Norma. At least we don't have to tow the caravan anymore and the new car is a pleasure to drive.

  9. That first photo is a beautiful spot. Just beautiful. :)

    1. Lovely sitting there eating lunch and listening to the waves which were gentle ones, also the birds.

  10. I always enjoy your pictures, but I especially like the one with the jetty remains.

  11. What a beautiful place to stay.
    Congratulations on your new car, here you have to wait much longer for new stuff, when we bought a new car three years ago, the waiting time was already three months and that has now become much longer.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Thank you Irma.
      Waiting time here was 1 year not long ago, we wanted a different colour other than black but we had to wait for that far too long so we took what was offering which was black.

  12. We got rid of one car when I retired and it works out fine. We certainly don’t miss all the expense associated with a second vehicle. Insurance alone is getting ridiculous these days.

    1. Didn't have many expenses with the Audi, only insurance which was reasonable and the service charge, even though it's an older model it did have a very low mileage, probably last a long time yet.

  13. Great photos, I especially liked the first one. Something about those pylons sticking out of the water. Lovely to have a new car. We downsized to one when hubs retired and we adjusted well. There are times when another would be useful but too few to plunge into buying a second one. Happy September to you Margaret.

    1. Thank you Denise. There are taxi's to be had if needed here for a ride but I'm sure like you we will manage without a second car.

  14. Enjoy your new car, Margaret! Nature looks beautiful and serene. Let's hope it stays that way and lets people have a good time outdoors.

    1. Thank you Duta.
      I'm sure people will be outdoors more often now it's springtime.

  15. A very beautiful area perfect to spend some hours.
    Enjoy your new car.
    I don't think I will change my car because in Italy now there are a lot of restrictions for the green policy and I don't want to waste money to buy an "useless" thing.

    1. I understand you. We don't have strict restrictions yet regarding cars, but it will probably come.

  16. Margaret, una delicia ver tus fotos y leer tus crónicas.
    En la lejanía tienen el encanto de lo desconocido por no haber visitado nunca vuestro continente. Aunque en el fondo tengamos mucho en común ya que somos también una familia campista. Un abrazo desde el Mediterráneo.

    1. We live a long way from you Ana, and I wonder what it's like in your part of the world too..take care.

  17. Very nice photographs, enjoy your new car.

    All the best Jan

  18. Un bel posto e auguri per la tua macchina nuova, indispensabile per muoversi da voi con le distanze chilometriche che ci sono. Ciao buona settimana, un abbraccio Angelo.

    1. Thank you Angelo, this is our 3rd new car in 8 years. Fortunately it hasn't cost a lot of money in change overs. I guess that is because we haven't let our cars get too old before we trade them in.

    2. Sicuramente sono stati trattate bene, un buon usato per le concessionarie, ciao e un abbraccio Angelo.
      P.S. Ho visto la foto della macchina, bellissima complimenti.

  19. What a beautiful area!
    Enjoy the new car! We still have two cars...well, one car and a truck. Both are useful. Can't wait to see your new car!
    Happy week!

    1. Thank you Donna, nice to have to vehicles if used, my Audi wasn't used much so selling it was a good thing, well so far. Next post is a photo of the new one.

  20. I loved the stunning views dear Margaret!
    You certainly have way with lens :)
    Congrats for new car .I think everyone has to think about down sizing at certain point of the age .

    1. They are good views as you say Baili.
      Yes, as we get older most of us downzise in some form or other.

  21. Guapas fotos. Y a disfrutar el nuevo coche Margaret.
    Buen septiembre.
    Un abrazo.

  22. The views are breathtaking, Margaret!
    Enjoy your new car!

  23. Wonderful place.
    The first photo is fantastic ❤️


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