Monday 12 December 2022

The Birds next door!

 It's raining today Sunday but it's only a little rain which I declare is finished now.   Whilst eating Sunday's lunch out the window I noticed 2 birds sitting on the next door's children's playhouse, so I ventured outside with the camera and from underneath the eaves of our house I took these few shots - actually it was 26 photos but I'm rather happy with what I captured seeing as I wasn't using my tripod!

Monday week we are off on over a months holiday down south of the Island for Christmas, New Year and beyond.  I trust there will be new photos of places, things and objects I will bring back with me to show you.

Those doves are Spotted Doves, 
Scientific Name: Streptopelia chinesis
The Spotted Dove is Native to Eastern Australia. Introduced into Australia mid 1800's to the early 1900's.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

East Coast Scenery

A bit of scenery looking over Devil's Corner Winery towards Cole's Bay, Tasmania Australia down the East Coast of the Island, Tasmania, Australia.

Devil's Corner a Winery down the East Coast of Tasmania, above after, below is before the vines grew.
The photo below was taken on a corner which you can no longer stop and take a photo you have to venture down to the winery to take photos.

Below we have a few photos of Bicheno and it's scenery along with the Tasman Sea.  The blow hole is the last photo, can never get a good shot of the water spouting up but it's like all blowhole, sometimes spectacular.

Saturday 3 December 2022

We used to

We used to have a big fishpond in our backyard years ago with gold fish and many, it seemed those that we knew who tired of their fish put them in our pond.  Eventually after many years the fish just disappeared, they grew to be a good size.  Don't really have a decent photo of it as it was in the beginning of digital photography.
I do have this waterlily though and the pond at the time was well covered with these lilies.

The second photo is of a Bottle Brush which is called a 'Callistemon in the family of Myrtaceae. The entire genus is endemic to Australia but widely cultivated in many other regions and naturalized in scattered locations'...Wikipedia.
This particular Callistemon is growing in the nature strip next door, the council planted it several years ago, it's now in flower.