Wednesday, 26 March 2025

At the Edge of the Desert.

 At the edge of the Desert in Western Australia we went looking for Wildflowers near a place called Carnarvan in that State.  How delighted we were to come across the flowers that I'm showing.  Somewhere there is always a flower in bloom.  These were taken in the springtime.


  1. Sehr schöne Blumen und Blüten sind in der Natur an vielen Stellen zu finden.

  2. I've heard of the wildflowers out there and would love to see them myself one year.

  3. The map shows what looks like a very substantial desert. As do a few of your photos. Yet at the right time and the right place, the ground is covered by a sea of wildflowers.

  4. Margaret, apparently in a semi-arid area, nature gives us colors to beautify her.

  5. One of my sisters in law went to the 'Red Centre' just after rain. There were apparently wild flowers as far as the eye could see. Unbelievably she was disappointed - not what she went expecting to see.

  6. It's such a wide vast area but good to see so much colour.

  7. What a beautiful place, wide open and lots of flowers.

  8. I would have liked to see the WA wildflowers but it won't happen now. It was autumn when we visited.

  9. Wonderful flowers and scenery! Is that you? Great to see you if it is and I love your outfit. Thanks for the great map also. I will be looking up the town later :)

  10. Lovely selection of wild flowers each one is new to me.

  11. Incredible - so barren but with fantastic wildflowers.
    The wonders of our amazing country.
    Lets hope that that "peanut" in Washington does see them.
    He'll want them - ha ha.
    PS: More damn rain here - bucketed down last night.

  12. It's such an expanse the views are amazing.
    Lovely flowers and I'm assuming that's you in the photograph?
    It's a very nice photograph and I like your outfit.

    All the best Jan

  13. Bellas flores. Me gusto la primera foto. Te mando un beso.

  14. Querido amiga, hermosa selección de flores silvestres, maravillosas fotografías, gracias por compartirla.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos, que Dios te bendiga


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