Wednesday, 12 March 2025

I have just got to tell you this story!

 In our local newspaper the other day it was written that this lady from a place called Westbury (with bush nearby a 30 minute drive to the town) not far from where I live let her two dogs out in the morning, the lady herself went to the toilet, her two dogs were barking madly, a Tasmanian Devil ran inside to get away from the dogs and the Devil went to the back of the toilet whilst the women was still sitting there.  The lady quickly moved and closed the bathroom door where her toilet was. The lady phoned a wildlife rescue person to come and collect the Devil which they did, during the process the bathroom was wrecked to a degree!
Must have been a frightening experience and as my husband has family living in that town, I will find out who the lady was.  I can see the funny side to this story!

Now what a fright that would have been, never heard of such a tale before - only in Tasmania this could happen.

A couple of photos of the Tasmanian Devil which are borrowed with permission.  They are certainly not a cute animal.

Tasmanian Devils, once widespread across mainland Australia are now confined to Tasmania, becoming extinct on the mainland about 3,500 years ago, possible due to dingoes and other factors.  These Devils have faced and are still facing a contagious facial tumor disease which has led to their endangered statues once again.
I do believe a few zoos in other States of Australia have a few Devils.

The first Europeans to enter Tasmania imagined demons lurking in the bush when they heard the blood-curdling shrieks and grows.  Hence being dubbed 'devils'.  It's now known that their various vocalisations (coughs, growls, snorts, sniffs, screeches and even sneezes) are designed to scare off other animals.


  1. Oh, no! That women had a frightening experience.
    I hope the Tasmanian Devil population will not decrease, although it is not a cute animal.

  2. Ugh, how scary! In the cartoons, that animal is portrayed as a real pest.

  3. my...what an experience! Two dogs didn't get hurt, did they?

  4. Goodness me ... what an experience!!!

    All the best Jan

  5. While that experience must have been quite terrifying, I can see the fun that lady will have in the retelling. I'm glad she was none the worse for it, or her dogs. I actually am one of those strange people who find the Tasmanian Devil to look quite cute when they are not growling and screaming at people. Interesting to know this is a defensive move on their part. quite effective by the sound of them. Great story Margaret, thanks for sharing it.

  6. OMG, what a very scary situation. They don't look friendly at all.

  7. That would be scary but I think they are kind of cute.

  8. With the howling like that, I would freak out easily as well

  9. Margaret. I was curious about what you tell me and I wanted to know more
    about him. Looking I found this video that can give us an idea about this animal that I did not know.

  10. What is it about Tasmania that enables the species to survive where it could not survive elsewhere?

  11. Horrible creatures and so bloody ugly to boot.
    Vicious looking fangs!
    Great "report" - as always.
    Another damn snake decided to visit - but thankfully only a green tree snake, BUT still a snake.
    We still get the bottom part of Albert. But at night and it has started to get cooler
    and the beach is rough and has been closed.

  12. It scares off this animal, me. That's the kind of story that will be reported overseas, even if we don't hear about it.

  13. That last picture is a bit scary, imagine a mouth that wide with those fangs chomping down on a body part!
    I can see the funny side to the story, but I would be a bit (a lot) concerned if any animal ran behind my toilet while I was on it. Better than having it running loose through the house though.


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