Friday 28 June 2024

Tuckers Creek, Tasmania

 We headed into the city here in Launceston to buy something then we went to Scottsdale again, bought our lunch at the bakery, ate it at Tuckers Creek where there is an area for caravans and motorhomes at a small cost.  It's a nice view of the Creek. 
Scottsdale is 62.4 km on a windy road from Launceston, Tasmania.

The area was first surveyed in 1855 and was described as, 'the best soil on the island, well-watered, with a mild climate' by the surveyor James Reid Scott, for whom the town was named. The first land was selected in 1859 and the hamlet of Ellesmere grew up.  Ellesmere Post Office opened in 1865 and was renamed Scottsdale in 1893.  I have no idea why the creek is called Tuckers Creek.


  1. Such a beautiful peacful place. The photos resemble paintings, very nice!

    1. We've never been to look at that creek properly until that day a few weeks back, and it does resemble paintings.

  2. Unas bellas imagenes, de un mundo idilico.
    Un saludo, amiga.

    1. Thank you. Could only hear the ducks as they came looking for food. We did give them some.

  3. Gracias a tus fotografías, puedo conocer esa bella zona de tu país.
    Un abrazo.

    1. You are welcome. I like looking at other peoples photographs to see what their part of the world is I do know what you mean.

  4. It is one of my favorite passing times is driving on the country roads exploring different parts of the state

    1. We love doing it too, you never know what you will come across.

  5. The World famous Medical Centre - the Mayo Centre has a branch for research in Scotsdale, Arizona. My sister, Cheryl Doyle's husband. John (deceased) after 10 years at the World famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota where he was a dermatologist of World fame for research was invited to this Scotsdale hospital. So after having returned to educate their 4 children in Australian schools as US schools were as they considered inferior, they went back - John having staff to run his Practice up Hornsby way.
    They were given the choice - Mayo in Scotsdale or the one up north in Florida.
    Arizona has a dangerous spider which can kill. The clinic in northern Florida near the famous golf course (Sawgrass) has alligators. They chose alligators - easier to see!!!!
    There are many Aussie golfers and tennis players at Sawgrass - Lleyton Hewitt and Todd Woodbrige and their wives and families were neighbours!
    Small world, eh!
    PS: Lovely sunny weather here again in Terrigal.

    1. Dreary day here Colin. That's an interesting story and I would have chosen alligators instead of spiders. It sure is a small world at time.

  6. Replies
    1. It sure is R and the day we were there a few weeks ago was a beauty, hardly any wind so creek was rather calm.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Diane. Trust you are doing ok, well fairly ok!

  8. What a beautiful place to stay.
    I wish you a good weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  9. Mallards certainly do get around! Lovely spot!

  10. Fantastic photos.
    Tuckers Creek is certainly a wonderful and peaceful spot.

    1. Certainly peaceful Maria, even with people nearby we couldn't hear them.

  11. The picture of the creek with its blue waters , and the ducks on the edge, provides a lovely sight!

  12. Lovely scenery here Margaret, outstanding photos! It would be lovely to set up there for a while, and a nice treat to have lunch from the bakery overlooking the water. I enjoyed the history lesson too and the map. I was wondering who Tucker was but you answered my question.

    1. Thank you Denise. Still can't find out who Tucker was, however, there are Tucker's who live in that area so maybe someone in their family many years ago named it.

  13. Se ve precioso Margaret, me gusta mucho. Un abrazo.

  14. It looks a very pretty place, lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  15. Your lovely picnic spot reminds me of Finks Crossing in rural Queensland that I happened

    1. Yes a good spot for a picnic and a stroll. Must look up Finks Crossing.

  16. That lovely picnic spot reminds me of Finks Crossing in rural Queensland that I happened upon one day a few years ago. It took me a while to remember its name. Like your Tuckers Creek I have no idea who Fink was either.

  17. Nice landscapes,
    greetings from
    Canary Islands,

    1. It is nice to me as well. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  18. It's wonderful to discover hidden gems like this, especially with such interesting historical tidbits about Scottsdale.
    Love the gorgeous photos, Margaret.

    Happy Saturday!

  19. It is lovely to spend the day out at somewhere that you enjoy being, and even better to pick up your lunch on the way and not have to make it.


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