Wednesday 7 July 2021

Fishing Boats

Back at Wynyard along the North West Coast..  Inglis River is tidal as it comes from Bass Strait the sea that separates Tasmania from the State of Victoria.  A lot of fishing goes on from here as well as sailing.
The river is 61 km long and extends to the Campbell Rangers.
Also here is a Fish n Chip Shop which I've never taken a photo of as far as I can recall.  The meal is ok but they don't make their own batter or their own chips, they buy in fish already battered so every piece of fish is the same shape and the chips are frozen coming in a sealed bag to be cooked.  This is not my idea of 'real' fish n chips but that's the way things are today!


  1. That wouldn't my kinda of fish and chip either...the river is clean and the sky so blue and beautiful!

    1. So many places now have fish n chips like that unfortunately.
      Yes it's certainly a clean river with the tide coming in and out.

  2. Margaret, could you tell me what the real fish and chip recipe looks like?
    My love from Argentina

    1. Chips are made with potatoes peeled cut to size in strips, either thin or thicker.
      Fish is bought from the fish shop, fresh fish cut into a piece you can eat then placed in batter which is can make yourself such as Beer Batter, then cooked in oil such as vegetable oil as an example.
      I have a special cooker that is filled with vegetable oil to a certain point and when the oil is hot enough (the cooker is automatic) put the home cut chips in and cook for 6 minutes, take out and when oil heats up put the chips back in for sometimes up to 5 minutes or when the chips make a paper noise...hope that helps..

    2. Thanks Margaret for your recipe. I usually do it like this, but from now on I will put beer in the dough as you indicate
      Kisses from Argentina

  3. Nice and idyllic landscapes, the river of their boats, the fish and chip shop busy and typical of there, I guess.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  4. Beautiful river scene with all the fishing boats. Fish and chips here is fresh, that's the only way I ever had it.

    1. That's good I only wish all fish and chips shops were like yours then.

  5. It looks like yet another beautiful area. I agree with you about 'real' fish and chips though.

    1. So seems you have the same over your way EC about the fish n chips. Since the Greeks have mostly gone the food is not the same anymore.

  6. Beautiful place!Wonder what they had in their fishing nets!

    Lovely new header!

    1. Those are cray pot Anita in the fishing boat. Not a fisher person so I don't really know Anita..I googled it and came up with - snapper, whiting, salmon, calamari, gummy shark and more.
      Thanks re header.

  7. No es una comida muy natural, como la que se puede hacer un buen restaurante. A mí me gusta comer pescado frita y comer las patatas fritas de forma casera.


    1. You are right in what you say...nothing like a good home made ones.

  8. Water and boats, and above, the sky and its clouds. Basic idyllic view - interrupted only by the heavy smell of fish.

    1. Fortunately we couldn't smell fish there which is probably unusual.

  9. Replies
    1. No they are not Jo-Anne yet most people that buy them think they are wonderful, but then they haven't probably haven't tasted the old style fish n chips.

  10. You have shared some really nice views here, Margaret, with the sky, water and boats and all look so peaceful.

  11. It looks pretty. I guess the tide was out when you took the photos.

    1. Yes the tide was way out, it looks so different when it's in if you saw it when you visited.

  12. Fish McNuggets. Phooey. Lovely pictures though!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Francisco, certainly no one around the time we were there.

  14. I am quite sure thatI would pass on those fish and chips.

    1. We usually do that, but some people just love them. They do sell fresh fish in there though.

  15. Маргарет! Спасибо за фото! Эти лодки принадлежат рыбакам?

    1. Yes those boats are owned by the fisherman, maybe a few people own one or two have had a couple of people working for them.

  16. Спасибо, Маргарет.
    Очень удачные фотографии.
    Сразу рыбки захотелось свежей, только что из воды.
    Замороженную рыбу и чипсы продают?
    А почему сами не делают?
    Может нет достаточно покупателей?

    1. Thanks.
      No they don't sell frozen fish n chips - the fish they buy is bought from a wholesaler and it's battered and frozen, the chips are bought in a large bag and they too are frozen - when a customer purchases fish and chips they then cook them out the back where no one can see them..

  17. Beautiful place with blue sky and blue water. That is not the kind of fish and chips I would like to eat.

    1. It amazes me when we have plenty of fresh fish that the owners can't do fresh fish n chips.

  18. Hi Margaret,
    Quite different from the fishing boats I usually see around here. They look like pleasure boats. The scenery is so beautiful and your photos are amazing.
    Hugs and all the best for you

    1. Thanks Maria.
      These fishing boats are only small compared to other fishing boats I've seen in some fishing ports of Tasmania and the remainder of Australia, this port is only small and doesn't lend itself to large vessels.

  19. Bonitas imágenes. Me gusta el pescado y las patatas fritas... pero caseras. Besos.


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