Monday 8 July 2024

Up the Highlands

Yes, it snows up in The Highlands of Tasmania in Winter though it only looks like a dusting of snow.  The black swans seem to love the snow. 
The local Hotel, well part of the roof collapsed in the accommodation section.
The Highlands are near enough in the middle of Tasmania, Australia and the town of Miena is about 1,000 meters above sea level.
We used to go up there in winter and take photos but I can't find them and I think they were taken before digital cameras.
These photos are borrowed, hoping you enjoy and for those that are having heatwaves, hope these photos cool you down a little.  Don't know who took these photos as it didn't say.
Where we live it's -4 deg C for several mornings in a row, afternoon temperature between 9 to 12 deg C, many frosts which in turn causes a beautiful sunny day. The forecast is the frosts are finished for awhile and daytime temperature will probably rise to 16 deg C.


  1. Those photos give you a good sense of the cold weather of the season.

    1. Indeed they do Bill. Thank goodness for me these photos were taken in the highlands, some distance away.

  2. Muy bellas imagenes de un espacio natural precioso

    1. Very natural up there in the highlands, it's a lovely drive from home.

  3. Margaret, it's the same temperature here. Let us remember that millions of years ago Argentine Patagonia was united to Australia.

    1. Yes, I remember we were all joined, our countries..interesting though.

  4. I love those chilly scenes. We have been warmer than usual this year. Few mornings below minus 2. Our days are cool (tops of 14 or so, but it has been cloudy which has kept the minimum temperature up.

    1. Oh ok. I have noticed in the past that where you are is often colder than we are here in Launceston, but of course you have somewhat hotter summers.
      I remember winters long ago we had the same weather as we are having now.

  5. Ja auf den Bildern ist zu sehen das es kalt ist.

  6. I really like these pictures of frozen landscapes!
    Thank you for that!
    Although I know it seems so strange that you are so cold there now!
    Good Week Margaret🧡

    1. Yes we are on opposite sides of the world, summer your way winter our way.

  7. These are gorgeous winter landscape, Marg!

  8. Our friend from your city was telling us about the cold, but out of town, even colder, with water pipes freezing and bursting.

    1. Oh yes, heard of a few waterpipes bursting, none in my area thank goodness. When I lived on the farm first 8 years of married life we often had burst pipes in the winter, to tell you the truth our mornings here in Launceston reminds me of those mornings in winter on the farm, that was well over 50 years ago.

  9. Good God - the temperatures in Tassie this year so far,
    makes Tassie as cold as Antarctica! According to the weather
    Here in Terrigal it is rain,rain rain and just horrible - and 2 more damn
    months of it - Yuck!
    I dread my heater bill !!!!!! It is set for 30c and when that is reached
    i turn it down to 26c. Naturally I turn it off at night before bed.
    PS: Beer consumption is down - Scotch has risen - ha ha!

    1. Up in the highlands Colin that weather in the photos. No snow where I am and hardly any on the mountain as in Ben Lomond either, they have a snow making machine up there. We are expecting rain but hasn't happened yet.
      Gosh, that heater is too hot for me, we have our on 22 in the evening and 20 during the day but ours is ducted..
      Take care and don't drink too much Scotch.

  10. Does anyone live in this part of Tasmania? Can the land be used productively when it isn't bitterly cold?

    1. Hels, up there in the highlands there are a few people living there permanently, they obviously love the cold. There are a few lakes up there good for fishing and of course, many shacks where people at the weekends go to stay, light a big fire in their fireplaces and enjoy the getaway.
      The land can't be used as there is no goodness in the soil, nothing would grow as in crops even in summer, many trees are there also.

  11. Bare trees are always a sad sight! White snow can look beautiful, but the prevailing cold makes it all tough.

    1. The trees keep most of their leaves up there in the Highlands but of course look nicer in the summer time. I've never seen a mass of white snow, only in photos from other parts of the world. The snow is probably all gone now.

  12. The photos are beautiful. Here in Adelaide I don't see any frosts anymore, too close to the city, but the hills area where three members of my family live with their familes, they see plenty of frost and sometimes even a bit of snow. It's way too cold for me there at this time of year, when I visit, I am the one closest to the fireplace.

    1. Have been up in the Adelaide hills R, beautiful up there. Don't blame you being close to the fireplace if it's cold. Australia is a big country which goes from tropical at the top to cold at the bottom, and of course inbetween.

  13. Los paisajes te quitan el aliento. Te mando un beso.

  14. Very beautiful scenery and describe us how cold and misty this snowy place...i like the shadow of the twigs Margaret......They give me some story. Have a nice day ^___^

    1. Thank you. I too love those twigs on the trees with a dash of snow on them. I think by the photos some of those trees have died or near dead.

  15. Las fotografías son preciosas, felicidades para quien las sacó. Por aquí ahora es verano y calienta mucho el sol. Un abrazo Margaret.

    1. It was pleasing for me to come across these photos Teresa.
      You keep cool.

  16. These are beautiful winter photos.
    We are having a bad summer, sometimes it is 28 degrees Celsius for a few days and the next day it is suddenly 10 degrees lower, namely below 18 degrees Celsius.
    This morning it is now 16 degrees Celsius, tomorrow it should be 25 degrees Celsius again, those temperature differences are really not good for a person.
    I hate the heat, give me the cold.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Gosh that is a vast difference in your weather at summertime, it's confusing when it's like that, the weather.
      I like the heat but not past 35 deg C...after that it's too hot for me.
      Take care.

  17. I am sure it will come as a surprise to some people that you have snow in Australia!

    1. I'm sure you are correct on that David. Even behind Sydney inland in the mountains it snows and a few other places as well.

  18. Thank you for posting nice winter photos. I felt the cold air even though it is 37℃ here.

    1. Glad the photos help you keep cool for a bit of time. That's rather warm at 37 degC.

  19. Preciosos paisajes nevados. Nosotros ahora estamos en un caluroso verano.
    Un abrazo.

    1. They are nice photos whoever took them. We are warm at home and when we are in the car, even shopping is warm inside the buildings.

  20. When Tim and I visited Tassie it was in July year forgotten but it was cold and it snowed and we had a wonderful time. Nice photos

    1. Good to see snow if you are not familiar with it. It's always cold in July Jo-Anne.

  21. I do like these photographs you've included.
    Your morning temperatures are quite low at the moment.
    Here in the UK it's raining! It's meant to be summer!

    All the best Jan

    1. I noticed it had been raining over your way as I have been watching the tennis before bedtime. Today the temperatures have risen somewhat, no frosts for a few days so far.

  22. I visited Tasmania in January and there was no snow! Just misty up on Mt Wellington.

  23. I landed on your blog via your comment on Andrew's post.
    Love the photos! Black swans are such a unique sight in the snow. Sorry to hear about the hotel roof though!
    Never been to Tasmania. Visited Sydney and Melbourne in 2019.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)

    1. The swans do stand out against the white snow.
      Well I guess the roof of that hotel up in the highlands would be repaired by now...wasn't a pretty sight when shown on our TV news.

  24. Fantastic photos ❤️ the first one with the reflections in the water is wonderful.
    Margaret, I'm going on vacation until August and it's going to be difficult to visit friends, when I return home I'll return all your visits 😊
    All the best for you

    1. Thank you Maria.
      Have a wonderful holiday, look forward to your return.
      Be safe, and thank you for letting me know.😊❤️

  25. Precioss fotografías que nos Dan idea del maravilloso paisaje y entorno de allí.
    Gracias por compartirlas.
    Saludos Cordiales

  26. Outstanding photos Margaret and love these wintry scenes. Beautiful to see!

    1. Thank you Denise, at least it gives an idea of what is up in the highlands of the Island.

  27. These photos of The Highlands in Tasmania are stunning, Margaret!
    The black swans in the snow make for such a serene scene.
    Thanks for sharing these cool, refreshing views!

    1. You are welcome Veronica. I love the swans against the snow.

  28. É inquestionável a particular beleza das fotos, que nos permitem concluir que a Austrália é uma terra de grandes contrastes.
    Continuação de boa semana.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. From the tropics to the cold and snow and in between, all types of weather Juvenal.

  29. Hello Margaret,
    That looks very cold. But amazing pictures and what a wonderful view over these areas. Picture 4 and 8 could be framed and hang up on a nice spot.

    Many greetings,

  30. Replies
    1. I'm sure you would love it up there, fish and fish and more fish.

  31. Thanks for bringing these lovely pictures to us!

  32. wow i had no idea Australia gets snow in winters dear Margaret
    many many thanks for these amazing and beautiful photos !
    they look like a stunning art work and snow dust seems so magical on everything :)
    i also did not know that your part of land goes under minus degrees wow

    1. Yes Tasmania and inland New South Wales, Victoria and even Canberra do get snow in winter in their high country unless it's an extra warm winter. Yes early in the morning it can get to minus here in Tasmania but not for long.


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