Wednesday 31 July 2024

A drive in Winter and Cockatoos.

 The other day we headed out in the car for a drive, a short one.  We went to Relbia, White Hills, Evandale and home.  Photos from the drive which includes a few Vinyards. We came across many Cockatoos along the way.
The marks on the map is where we went.

The long shadows of the late afternoon

The windmill Australian style and a vineyard.

Another vineyard and a view in the next two photos with horses x 2

The Cockatoos making a lot of noise.  Those trees as we approached were covered with the parrots.


  1. Even a short trip from home would be a great idea, especially in an area of vineyards :) But why is most of the ground brown in winter?

    1. Dry ground due to very little rain in summer, autumn and winter Hels. We have had some rain a few days ago, so maybe it's a bit greener now. Our lawns along with many others haven't recovered from summer on either.

  2. You took some beautiful photos...the trees with parrots look really great.

  3. So picture perfect beautiful. I'd love to take photos!

    1. I too love taking photos, it's a hobby for many people.

  4. A lovely drive - and I am sure the cockies were VERY noisy.

  5. I remember when I was a child dad would often take the family or a drive, often going to a cemetery to pay respect to someone who was buried there

    1. It was always a thing back in my younger days to go for a drive on Sundays Jo-Anne.

  6. Margaret, there is also a place here where parrots abound and make a deafening noise. They are plague. It is reputed to cause damage to crops and electrical transmission lines, which is why in certain places it is considered a pest.

    1. We have many parrots eating crops too, it's a bit of a problem at times Norma.
      Wonder what kind of parrots yours are that are a big nuisance.

  7. They are really a southern Australia winter's day scene photos, with long shadows from the sun being low in the sky. In spite of the sun shining, I can feel the cold. That's a very large house.

    1. Yes Andrew, very long shadows, love winter photos like that.
      That is rather large, several houses out that way are like that, probably trying to outdo one and another!

  8. Good to see the horses with rugs on.
    Probably taken off when the sun gets warmer - if ever ( sorry) in Tassie
    during winter - just like that visit Tassie in winter!
    Makes me shiver watching that ad.
    Lovely mansion.

    1. Yes, I've seen the rugs off in summer, sometimes the owners do leave them on though.
      It is a nice house hidden by the leaves on the trees in spring, summer etc.
      Can't recall that ad Colin, but then it's probably not shown here for obvious reasons.

  9. So that's where all the cockatoos have got to! I like the windmill.

    1. Yes, they all few over Bass Strait It is a good windmill, looks as if someone loves it.

  10. Es un lindo paseo. Me gustaron los caballos. Te mando un beso.

    1. The horses are lovely and I used to ride horses everyday once!

  11. Una bella serie de imagenes, con bellos caballos
    Un saludo, amiga

  12. What a beautiful series of photos.
    There are so many cockatoos there, we can only see this in a zoo and then not even that many.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Those trees were covered in white, so many parrots there but of course as we approached, they flew away.
      Thank you Irma.

  13. Your pictures are always excellent--- And I'm always glad I get to see them. It must be scary to not get rain in the winter. That doesn't bode well for the summer. Some large, nasty fires in Oregon, and at least one in Washington. Each year seems to be the hottest on record. But climate change is a hoax, right.... Sheeesh.

    1. Thank you Bill.
      Heard about the fires, dreadful as fires just sweep through and takes what's in it's path a lot like floods.
      I don't think our climate here where I live has changed much, some years not much rain, other years it rains, some years are colder than other, some warmer than others but always seems to return to what we call normal.
      Having lived a long-time one notices these things. 😉

  14. Preciosas las fotografías, las de los caballos me encantan. Besos.

  15. Vineyards and cockatoos - it doesn’t get any better!

    1. That's true, also plenty of Galahs in certain areas too.

  16. Your drive sounds delightful, and it’s great that you were able to capture some wonderful moments along the way. The long shadows of the late afternoon must have created some beautiful light, and the Australian-style windmill is such a charming sight. Vineyards and horses make for a picturesque landscape, and it’s always fun to see Cockatoos in their natural habitat, even if they’re noisy! Thanks for sharing these glimpses of your journey.

    I just posted a new blog post, please read:

  17. Has disfrutado de ese buen paseo, aunque haya sido de corta duración. Has hecho unas buenas fotos y nos has regalado, la belleza de esas imágenes.
    Un abrazo.

  18. What a lovely drive, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  19. Ciao Margharet sempre molti interessanti i tuoi post, per ora visito poco i bloggers, non mi sento ancora pronto, spero posso riprendermi, ma è molto difficile, ciao un abbraccio Angelo.

    1. Thank you, Angelo.
      You will get better with time Angelo. Understand you are not ready to return to blogging that will happen in time also. You will never forget your beloved she will always be in your heart. Take care, hugs to you.

  20. Hello Margaret
    A great trip and as always, enchanting views. I've been neglecting my hikes a bit lately, but I hope to make more of them during the August days. Long shadows - as you write, yes, you really do have short days... and the sun sets early, but for you the day is slowly getting longer...
    A lot of joy and more nice hikes.

    1. Thank you. I expect it's been a bit warm for you to go on hikes.
      Yes we have shorter days and as you say they are getting longer now...which is good.

  21. Me ha gustado el paseo Margared. Estupendas fotos nos dejas de él.
    Te deseo un buen agosto.
    Un abrazo.

  22. Wow on all those cockatoos! What a splendid site that must’ve been. Loved all the scenery, thank you, Maragret!

    1. It was a surprise to see so many parrots there as we came around the corner Denise.
      You are most welcome Denise.

  23. Le gite anche brevi, in mezzo alla natura hanno sempre il loro fascino

  24. You got some lovely shots. Looks like you had a good day for an outing. We used to do that a lot, not sure when we got out of the habit of doing that. Going to mention it to hubby tonight during cocktail hour.

    1. You would like to do it again then. We always did it when we could but not so much these days or weekends.

  25. Beautiful vineyard...
    the weather looks so windy
    The sheeps enjoy the grass...have a nice day

    1. Thank you. It wasn't windy, just looked that way. That day the weather was lovely.

  26. What a lovely drive!
    The vineyards and windmill look charming, and the Cockatoos must have been a fun sight.
    Gorgeous photos, Margaret!

    1. Thank you Veronica. Was a surprise to see so many cockatoos.


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