Monday 10 February 2020

Birds of Bowen, Queensland

We drove from Ayr in Queensland to Bowen about 1 hour 30 minute drive after several days, thus we were heading south.
We've stayed in Bowen several times so there are several posts on Bowen from past years, this time taking photos of something different.

A few birds came into the caravan park in the late afternoon, to capture the birds I decided to sit outside with my camera and hopefully get a close up..

The first 3 photos are of the Australian Rosella parrot. Sorry they are Rainbow Lorikeets. Thanks David.

Don't know the name of the bird below.

This seagull amused us.  We had lunch on the table at the beach and all these seagulls came to visit wanting something to eat.  The seagull on the table (both photos of one seagull, it's the same one)
was with all the other seagulls on the table but this one shooed all the others off and they didn't dare to come back on the table, some tried but they got pecked off....just amazing to watch.

Someone might know why the 'one' seagull did this.


  1. Hi Margaret: The first bird you feature is a Rainbow Lorikeet, not a species of Rosella, the second one is a Helmeted Friarbird, and the gull is a Silver Gull (very handsome too). I suspect that the gull on the table had prior experiences with people feeding it (gulls will often take food from the hand) and was defending an opportunity and didn't want others competing for what it hoped were treats to come.

    1. Thanks for that David - will rewrite.
      I've had a seagull take a chip from my mouth!
      Thanks for the names of the birds.

  2. That Gull has a fine pair of red legs and beak.

  3. Schöne Bilder von den Vögeln die Möwen wollten essen.


  4. How fantastic! It looks so warm there. Kinda wishing it was here too. 😊

  5. Love the rainbow lorikeet (we get there here too) and that stylish silver gull.
    We are so very lucky in the birds we can see aren't we?

    1. We are lucky to see those birds or any bird for that matter, they are lovely to watch.

  6. Es precioso el loro, con sus vistosos colores.

    Siempre hay una gaviota dominante, que espanta a las demás sobretodo cuando se trata de ir a por alimentos. Lo observo cuando de verano voy a la playa.


  7. I have lorikeets in my bottle brush tree which this morning is being chopped down.
    It has out grown it's usefulness and my very friendly pair of lorikeets will not be happy but it will rid me of those murderous Indian Mynahs which attack the lorikeets and kill the honey eater birds, I can do without the screeches of the tiny honey eaters being ripped apart. How I hate these mynah birds.
    The UK Home Office lunatic who introduced them from India to eat weevils in the W.A. wheat belt should be dug up and reburnt at the stake.
    The Northern American birds lovers wouldn't know what hit them if ever a clown/idiot brings these birds to their countries.
    Maybe a bit sorry if this upsets some "bird watchers".

    1. They are pretty the Lorikeets. loved watching them up there in the tree.
      Heard of those Indian Mynahs.
      Sometimes what is brought into our country to eradicate pests end up being the pest.

  8. Great bird photos. The lorikeets are funny when they hang upside down.

  9. The lorikeets are one of the birds that come into my garden and the bird bath. They are lovely birds and so colourful. Thanks for sharing. We have been through Bowen so I am going to look up my diary and see what we did there, might have just passed through.

    1. Sometimes when travelling we can't stop at every place and stay, especially if we are looking forward to going further.

  10. Ahhhh...Bowen. You know I love the beaches of Bowen. :)

    And I love lorikeets...and seagulls...too. :)

    1. The beaches are lovely in Bowen but several of them are rather small.

  11. Wow! Even the gulls there are colorful! Beautiful birds-- all of them.

    1. They are to me too...the parrot is unwanted here in Tasmania I just read.

  12. The birds are beautiful and the first bird is very colourful.

  13. Todos los pájaros me gustan y el loro es precioso. Besos.

  14. oh i absolutely LOVED the bird photos dear Margaret !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you have powerful camera and brilliant skills to capture :)))

    first bird is such a pretty one
    it is amazing how many birds visit to the park

  15. … and it's a good collection of birds, I like your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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