Thursday, 28 June 2012

Living Sculptures of Broken Hill

9 km from Broken Hill, NSW Australia you will find The Living Sculptures being 12 in all.  These large sculptures are of sandstone were sculptured by artists from around the world.  Worth the fee to view.

I have seen photos with the sun coming through the middle of the circle which makes it look very different.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Broken Hill. NSW. Australia

Travelling to Broken Hill in the State of NSW,  Australia was wonderful with so many new things to see, such as wide open spaces, wild goats, camels and feral pigs wondering around a long our journey.  I recall the pigs walking down the centre of the road on the white line.  At first in the distance we wondered what on earth was up ahead, could it be Eagles as they are so daring that they stay in the middle of the road eating the road kill as you drive past them.

Broken Hill is in NSW but being close to SA, (across the border) Broken Hill adopted their time - yes, a bit confusing. 

The Trades Hall is the first privately owned one in the Southern Hemisphere.  Built & paid for by the people of Broken Hill it stands as a monument to all workers past and present.  It's the home of the Union movement since it was built in 1905.  The first attempt was in 1890 & a rather long story.

I took this photo with my 2nd owned Digital Camera, Samsung.  The first Digital Camera I had was a Kodak.

The Town Hall, Broken Hill NSW. Australia.  Built in 1890 the majority of the structure was demolished in 1970's, but the facade was preserved.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Devonport, Tasmania. Australia

Devonport is a coastal Northern small city and it's where my father lives, it's also the city where I go and live in my father's house for 1 to 3 nights each week.  I have been doing this every week since 2008.
Sometimes my husband comes with me.  My parents and I were not born in this city, my father was transferred to Devonport many years ago after I was married.

I wanted to share some photos of what I see below my dads house which are views of Bass Strait.

 Bass Strait

 Coles Beach and view to the light house

Taking a stroll along the beach

Alone surfer in the distance

Monday, 4 June 2012

Shih Tzu

Sasha the Shih Tzu (pronounced 'sheet-soo') was one of our family pets, he went everywhere with us except when we travelled on the ship to mainland Australia. Sasha went to heaven a few years ago :)

He used to go to work with us and I would put him in the office on my desk he never moved, he lay there as if he was a small rug no matter what. Always he went where I went, I even used to put him under my raincoat and with all that hair it was hard to hide his tail.

I brushed him every morning and washed his face, cleaned his eyes, bathed him, clipped his hair where necessary and he seemed to love all the attention.  Eventually as he got older I used to shave him and when we were away on our holidays travelling Australia each year our eldest son took care of him.