Friday 21 June 2013


Amazing for some of our flowers are still blooming from summer time. Then a bulb is blooming rather early for late winter seeing it's just winter today. Then there are those that are supposed to bloom this time of year.

Gazania which will bloom all winter and beyond.

Nandina.  The darker the colour the colder it is.  Grows as a small bush.

Plumbago.  This flowers from end of November through summer, peaks in February & March and should be gone by now....not to be this year.  When flowers are gone it will be pruned.

Not sure why this bulb is blooming yet.

Nasturtium leaves, unusual for this time of year as we have had a few frosts - just waiting for a beauty then they will be gone to return to grow later in the year.


  1. Oh M these are beautiful I did not know you had any frosts at all I do learn something everyday. :) Take care my friend. xxoo G

    1. Thank you :) Yes, we often get a frost but no snow..a frost seems to clean the air or something...take care my friend, hugs M xox

  2. Great first picture, also love the green.


    1. Thanks. I was experimenting when taking that last photo.


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