Monday 20 May 2024

The bush

I've just had a birthday, yes, I'm a Taurus and next year will be a big birthday number, I'm planning on making it! 🤣🤣

Many, many moons ago my husband, my father, cousin and his then girlfriend whom he ended up marrying went to cut and collect wood for my parents.  I was about 20 years old as was my husband.  
We took some food and a little barbecue to cook the sausages on.  We had the time of our lives.
My father decided it was time I learnt how to use a gun, so I did.  You see my father was a Policeman till he retired at 65 years of age. He lived till he was 90 and went totally blind long before he died.
These photos are from slides.
Guns are banned in Australia, exceptions are farmers, gun clubs, police and a few others.


  1. How nice to see those old photos.
    Beautiful memories.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Good memories!!
    Happy Birthday!!
    I am a Taurus as well!
    ; )

    1. Thank you and Happy Birthday for whenever your birthday was.

  3. What beautiful memories! Happy Birthday, Margaret!

    1. Angie, wonderful memories and until you see a photo it brings it all back.

  4. Happy Birthday Margaret.
    I'm a Taurus too.
    I love old photos.
    Like you stepped out of a period movie.
    Have a nice week!

    1. Thank you and Happy Birthday to you whenever it was this month or end of last month. Yes, it looks like an old time

  5. Congratulations Margaret!!
    That must be very special for you to see these old pictures again.
    They are so nice!!
    I hope you have had a nice birthday.

    Many greetings and a big hug,

    1. Thank you Marco. I did have a wonderful birthday with a surprise visit of a cousin and her husband who came to stay and celebrate.

  6. Happy Birthday Margaret - my youngest son is a Taurus too.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. Happy Birthday to your son for when his birthday was.

  7. Did your father have glaucoma? My Mom had that and was almost blind before she died (she was over 90, but the disease started to be noticed after 65).
    Happy Birthday, Margaret!

    1. Thank you Duta. Oh dear, that wasn't pleasant for your mum or those around her.
      Dad had Macular Degeneration which doesn't normally make you totally blind but on an odd person it can apparently.

  8. Me encantó ver esas fotografías. Muchísimas felicidades Margaret.

  9. It's nice to have these old slides and to digitise them. A belated happy birthday to you. I think 65 is very old for a policeman to retire. Maybe not so much back then.

    1. Thank you Andrew. Was a normal age for retirement back then, most retired at 65.

  10. Happy birthday.
    Yep the best thing John Howard did, maybe the Yanks might follow suit BUT
    the NRA is politically powerful.
    Now here - lets get rid of the knife killings - BUT HOW????
    I know some extremely fit and agile 65 year olds. At 65 I still was a pretty good
    squash player and surfer. In my college days (Joeys at Hunters Hill) I could swim 50 metres in 23 seconds - freestyle.
    And that shiny yellow thing is out here in Terrigal after Saturday's torrential deluge.
    PS: The Pub awaits - ha ha!
    Then DVD/Television problems - ah the joys of having their own mind - TVs!

    1. Thank you Colin. I'm pleased we got rid of the guns, but knives are indeed a problem these days, don't know the answer how to get rid of them - they would go underground I guess if we did but surely we would have less.
      Well you were rather fit to be able to do all those things for an aged person - no offence on age
      Oh my, that yellow things in the sky is pleasing and we are having it all day and no sign of rain, watered the garden this morning as it's so dry.

  11. Guns are abhorrent, except for police and the military, but I suppose your dad wanted to share his skills with his beloved daughter.
    Old photos are a treasure trove of memories.

    1. Dreadful things are guns Hels, but farmers need them for sure and certain other people. From memory dad was going to get a rabbit or two for a meal hence why he took the gun. He did want to share how to use a gun correctly with me as I was living on a farm, my husband's parent's farm at the time.
      The old slides/photos are a treasure and I often look at them but don't have many.

  12. Lovely photos and memories. I don't understand the need for Gun Clubs. I think our gun ban should now be extended to knives also, with the number of stabbings we have seen on the news lately.

    1. Thank you R. Gun Clubs - a hobby I guess, they do no harm down here.
      Yes you are right about the knives but don't know how they would do it as things with knives haven't been the best especially lately.

  13. Thanks for sharing these--- I became an Octogenarian last October, and with friends and family mostly gone, the old pictures are treasured.

    1. With family and friends gone we only have photo left along with our memories.

  14. I love this! I was taught by my Dad at age 10...I now have a Concealed Carry license...Thank God for our 2nd Amendment! The government is not happy that they can't take our guns. Praying for a Trump landslide win in November.

    1. What bothers me Donna is what happens if you for e.g. were to use your gun and killed someone, an intruder as an e.g. What would happen to you? Just asking as I know very little about your system over there and maybe it's different for each State.

  15. Cool pictures! I bet they brought back lot of memories for you. I watched a video from a pair of New Zealanders where here in the states recently. They thought they would see lots of people with guns and were surprised when they did not see one person with a gun during their entire visit. Interesting perspective on how different countries are viewed around the world.

    1. Thank you and yes, lovely memories.
      If I came to your country I wouldn't expect to see anyone with a gun in public or even in private unless they were showing me.

  16. Margaret, images of happy moments that will never come back

    1. No they won't come back as time passes too quickly anyway Norma. Lovely memories.

  17. Buena reunión familiar. Yo no he disparado nunca, ni siquiera en las escopetas de juguetes de algunas ferias.

    1. Well that's good to hear. I only did fire a shot or two that day.

  18. What wonderful photos Margaret and great memories! Such fun to know your father was a policeman. So was mine. He was on the force for 30 years. My father taught me how to shoot a BB gun at cans in the back garden. Mum wasn't too thrilled, lol!

    1. lol...made me laugh shooting cans in the back garden. I recall you mentioned your dad was a policeman. Dad was one for 44 years as he joined when he was 21.

  19. Happy Birthday. Such amazing photographs.

  20. Lindos recuerdos es genial saber sobre ti. Me gustaron las fotos y debe ser genial saber disparar. Espero que hayas pasado un buen cumpleaños. Te mando un beso.

    1. Yes they are lovely memories JP. I did indeed have a wonderful birthday this year.
      Thank you.

  21. Lovely photographs and memories.
    Belated Happy Birthday wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. Oh these are awesome photos from your youth days dear Margaret 😍
    I absolutely LOVED seeing you holding gun and learning how to use it my uncle had taught me when I was 14 probably :)
    Thanks for treasured glimpse
    Such times stay in forever 😊
    Many many happy returns of the day in advance my lovely friend!

  23. Muy bellos estos recuerdos que nos compartes, amiga

  24. Beautiful looks from the past, it's so good to see through photos, good times lived.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome, Maria. I love looking through old photos, any ones as well as my own..

  25. I forgot to leave you my congratulations 🌺 🎈🎁🎉
    May life always smile at you.

  26. I think my previous comment didn't stick.
    Beautiful looks from the past, it's so good to see through photos, good times lived.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. You comment was in the spam Maria. I check it before I reply to comments, though I've noticed it might take a day or two to appear in the spam..

  27. Hello Margaret
    What beautiful memories, photography records not only the image but everything around, the atmosphere, climate, smells, mood, etc. It is worth having such souvenirs and sometimes sharing them with them...
    All the best, lots of health, smiles and joy!


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