Monday, 29 November 2021

Tailrace Park

Tailrace Park and Estuary is on the other side of the City of Launceston in the suburb of Trevallyn.  
There is a playground for the children, barbecue area, grass, footpath that goes far.   We all as in eldest son's little children have spent many a birthday party in the area when they were very young. The children said they are too old to go there now for their birthdays - now aged 9 and 7...😄
These photos were taken about July and the Estuary is on the Western side of the Tamar River.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Wildflowers, WA

Just some Wildflowers growing on the side of the road/Highway in Western Australia, there were just masses of them. Apparently in 2015 it wasn't a good year for the Wildflowers.  I have shown the 2nd photo before but seeing as I found the Sturt Desert Pea photo of the mass growing of them decided to show again.

The purple flower below is called Purple Mulla Mulla by the Indigenous people - Our First Nation People, this purple flower grows in a dry area up in Northern mid west to western Australia. No matter where you are in Australia there is always some flower out somewhere.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Carnarvon Caravan Park, WA

The Caravan Park we stayed in whilst at Carnarvon, WA. Lovely clean park with friendly hosts and a rather long one.
A photo taken with the self-timer on the camera of my husband and myself in 2015.  It's not often we take a photo of ourselves so you could say it's a rare photo.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Carnarvon WA by the Sea.

At Carnasrvon WA there is a jetty that goes 1 mile out to sea, good for fishing so it's said.  By 1897 the jetty was built with a train line to carry the wool and livestock to the ship to Fremantle in the southern area of WA.
The first photo is of a playground by the sea with some sand on the left.
Then the jetty of which there are a few.
People with their bikes in the scrub looking out to sea.
Some posts from a long departed jetty then the Police Station x 2 photos.

Below Carnarvon, WA

Just below Carnarvon, WA we saw some Wildflowers that just seemed to grow anywhere.
These photos were taken on top of a hill with the view of below.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Carnarvon, Western Australia

Recently a little girl aged 4 went missing from her Mother's and Stepfather's tent whilst on a camping trip up near the blowhole near Carnarvon.  The little girls name was Cleo and Cleo was taken from the tent during the night, the zip on the tent was found open in the morning time - no one in the tent heard!
A large Police search began for Cleo by the sea, inland and all around with 100's looking for precious Cleo.  Days and nights went by, people chattered making up stories, yes, rumours were rife. 
Nothing was mentioned about her biological Dad till many days later so one wonders why he wasn't mentioned before.
Anyway finally one night 18 days after Cleo was taken she was found about 1.30am in the morning locked in a house not far from the Police Station and where she lived with her mother and stepdad and her brother. 
Cleo was looking good, spent a short time in hospital to be checked out and she was ok.  What happened to her psychologically I don't know as yet.
So who took Cleo?
A 'First Nation Person' a 36 year old who apparently liked dolls and has a room in his house containing many dolls, he also is a loner. He's now in jail being questioned and eventually there will be a trial.
What a relief that Cleo was found after 18 days physically unharmed.  A Policeman asked her her name when she was rescued and she said "my name is Cleo".

We visited Carnarvon in Western Australia (WA) in 2015 and stayed there for a night from memory.
When the abduction happened of Cleo I had to look up my photos to see what the town was like which I'm sharing with you. There will a few post in this area which is a very long way from home.  These photos haven't been shown before on my blog.


Monday, 8 November 2021

Out Nile way

You might recall the photos of Nile and the old house and church, well on the way to Nile there are old houses and shed/barn they have been demolished thank goodness and crops are growing.

Photos are of the old places.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Nile, Tasmania

Nile is located south of Launceston here in Tasmania, Australia and has about 150 people in their rural town and area.  

The first photo we see the post box and phone booth.  Once there was a Post Office but of course replaced now.  
The old Church up the road has been relocated from elsewhere, someone thought it was a good idea obviously but it's become an eye saw these days along with the old home across the road.. The river is the Nile River.
The map show where Nile is with the red dot. 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Mindil Beach, NT

Mindil Beach at Darwin is a popular one especially for the Mindil Market which I've never attended as I'm not a market person.  There is another post done in 2015 and here is the link to the Market video.
In this post the first photo is of the first vehicle we had to tow out first caravan.  The remainder of the photos are of the beach the last photo is another beach further along to the east of Darwin with two men going fishing with a net.