Monday, 22 February 2016

Port Augusta South Australia (2)

Port August shopping precinct.

We presume the building below was the town hall - once!
Windows now boarded, no clock and shade cloth along the balcony - what a pity, the building is going to ruin.
Photos were taken on a Sunday, and only a few shops open.
The streets deserted and shady.
You can see Woolworths which is a supermarket sign in the second last photo.

The last photo was taken at the back of the supermarket and these water tanks are for fighting fires only.

The above photo is the Post Office on the right.


  1. Love those shaded streets.
    What a shame about the Town Hall. A building with charm.

    1. I do hope they repair the Town Hall, or do something constructive with it.

  2. Such a lovely little town--- the "downtown" reminds me of the town where we lived when I was very young--when it was a very little town. Well done!

  3. Hello Margaret,
    Wonderful pictures.
    The intense silence in the streets surprise me. Fantastic!!

    Many greetings,

  4. Nice, thank you for sharing this little piece of you

  5. I like yout little town in the sunny days

  6. And only one person to be seen, that I can see. How quiet it is...I like quiet. :)

  7. It can be sad to see such building fall into disrepair

    1. Sure can be, There is a church here in Launceston where the outside paint wasn't the right kind so it's all peeling owned by private people.

  8. Replies
    1. It is tidy and many towns are that we travelled through.

  9. I remember that street, I shopped at that Woolworths while I was there. But the street was much more crowded when I walked along it.

  10. Too bad landmark buildings are allowed to deteriorate.

    1. Let's hope the Council or who ever do something about that building.

  11. these photos are so beautiful dear especially loved the post office ,you have great talent for photography

  12. Boa tarde, excelente fotorreportagem com belas fotos com qualidade, as mesmas transmitem sossego num vida pacata.

    1. I wonder how busy it is there during the week. Have had opportunity before when visiting Port Augusta but didn't go up the main street back then.

  13. Excellent summation and report Margaret on the main street in Port Augusta so 24 hours plus and after seeing the comments.

    Very good to see that the council installed either
    sea water or bore water tanks for fire fighting. That deserves
    a big tick of good, sensible, fresh water saving planning.
    Thank God the US "Kilroy" doughboys (marines/soldiers) - mostly associated with WW2 graffiti didn't get a chance at the water tanks!
    After all SA was a large training area for the US at the start of the US involvement in WW2 and not that far north of Port Augusta!!!!
    Those water tanks for fires are far too new for them to have been there in 1942!!!
    Intriguing to see the tree like vines entangled with the verandah poles
    in the shopping precinct. Then the entanglement of the branches along the roofs, not too good for the roof material - I guess pruning back would be on the council workmen's duty list.
    As for the presumption that the classical looking building is/was the Town Hall and it's present condition, probably renovations due to structural damage over the years and money has been diverted to matters more pressing
    that the Town Hall's restoration.
    Again if this is the case, then "kudos" for sensible council members.

    Most enlightening report on Port Augusta for your readers to carefully view and read.

    1. Bugger! Should read: "THAN the Town Hall's restoration."

    2. It just goes to show how scarce water is in the area. There is plenty of water in the sea though :)
      The 'vines' in summer with their leaves provide shade, but I wonder about the roots of said..
      Money know doubt regarding the Town Hall, plus what to use it for these days.
      And thank you.

  14. There wasn't a car to be seen, funny. Brilliant images Margaret.

  15. Replies
    1. Yes, it is and we were rather surprised, but then again not many shops open either.


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