Darwin the the Capital of the Northern Territory (NT). The population is about 82,000 people. Darwin is in the Tropics of Australia, it's hot and humid in Summer and not too bad in Winer but still humid and hot. There are several beaches and one must be careful of the Saltwater Crocodiles if you see any. We never have in the area.
We have been 3 times to Darwin seeing it change over the years and of course we travelled with the caravan behind us first and second time with our other caravan and vehicle. The distance is on the map below from home to Darwin via the road. There isn't a great deal to see along the way, a few towns and off the road camping in peoples paddocks is very handy with a few dollars given to the owner, no water or power. The terrian is flat, some of it desert with the road usually very straight.
The first photo is of the Mall, or more like it just part of it.
Second photo is what was left of a building after Cyclone Tracy which arrived in Darwin at Christmas time in 1974, it just flattened Darwin and the noise of the Cyclone can be heard at the museum, just a dreadful noise as we went there and listened.
Third photo is of a Public building, the fourth one can't recall what it houses but I believe it survived the Cyclone even though it's near to the sea.
The remainder of the photos are of the caravan park, the palms, the fruit bats come to eat those in the evening and one has to make sure the vehicle is not parked underneath those trees as their 'business' stains the vehicles right through the paint.