Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Zygo Cacti at home.

These wonderful plants have a botanical name that is difficult to pronounce: Schlumbergera. They are epiphytes (plants which depend on others for support, but not nutrition) from the jungles of southeast Brazil, a humid area with high rainfall. In past years, zygocactus were mostly seen with bright cerise pink flowers. However through the efforts of local as well as American and Japanese breeders, a stunning range of flower colours and shapes can be bought.

These photos are of two of my cacti that are in bloom at the moment. These cacti are known also as Christmas Cacti, but here in Australia they bloom towards our winter time, May/June. Can be grown outside in a sheltered area in Southern Australia or cool frosty area, these of mine were grown as an indoor plant.

I practiced my photography skills.


  1. I do love the christmas cactus .
    I'll say you were practicing some camera skills those are gorgeous shots !
    Nice job.

  2. Oh M you have always had the best photography skills. Your photos are stunning. xo Hug G

    1. Thanks :) I am always practicing as you know. Hugs M xx

  3. The second flowers I have seen at my place in the botanical garden. They are beautiful.

  4. i love these plants as they remind me of my mum. so many plants do as she loved her garden. i've heard them called something else but i can't remember what it is atm. my friend gave me some cuttings last year and they are growing nicely. she gave me some pigface cuttings the other day and i'm hoping they grow too. hope you are well M xx

    1. These cacti's are pieces broken off my late mums plants. I think they are called many things.
      Pigface will grow, takes over the garden well, but easy to prune.

  5. How beautiful? I love the color of the first one.

  6. LOL, "Christmas Cactus" is a name with such a northern hemisphere bias. Sorry!! I'm happy yours are blooming well!


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