Now what a fright that would have been, never heard of such a tale before - only in Tasmania this could happen.
A couple of photos of the Tasmanian Devil which are borrowed with permission. They are certainly not a cute animal.
Now what a fright that would have been, never heard of such a tale before - only in Tasmania this could happen.
A couple of photos of the Tasmanian Devil which are borrowed with permission. They are certainly not a cute animal.
Perth's history began in 1821 when Governor Macquarie, on a visit from Sydney, stayed with David Gibson of 'Pleasant Banks' across the river, and selected the site for a township, naming it after his host's native town in Scotland. It was named a town in 1836.
Perth is about 20 kms south from Launceston with a few older buildings and as the years have passed more modern houses especially in the last 5 years have been built. The South Esk River goes through Perth.
On a lighter note some photos taken along the South Esk River in Perth, Tasmania last spring.